Some Support • Aging • Goal 2:
Adapt Life Skills
Action step 1.
Identify daily life skills you need for changes in your preferred living situation.
As you get older, your habits can be set while the technology and conveniences of daily life are changing. If you move to a place where you plan to spend the later stage of your life, imagine (with a trusted person if necessary) a typical day and week, and try to think of the daily routine that will be easiest for you to follow.
Action step 2.
Adapt routines for daily living.
Based on your review of your needs, plan a schedule of your day-to-day activities, including those where others may be scheduled to help you. Consider if technology is available to help you complete tasks – your support network can help answer questions and run through the tasks with you to practice.
You’ve reached the end of the action steps for this support level and age group.
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