Intensive Support • Life Changes • Goal 2:
Adapt Life Skills
Action step 1.
Identify daily life skills you need for changes in your preferred living situation.
Any time you make a change in your living situation, your daily living routines likely will change too. Factors such as the location or layout of your new home or the schedule and availability of services can play a role.
Your network of support can help you plan for your new routines, including a change in services staff and the times when people giving supports are available. This can make the transition and adaptation to your new living situation less stressful or confusing.
You can ask a trusted person or your current support network to help you identify the changes ahead and even make a plan for managing stress or confusion during the transition.
Action step 2.
Adapt routines for daily living.
As you get older, some everyday tasks will become familiar. Still, it can be important to keep a schedule of your day-to-day activities and occasional essential tasks, including those where another person gives help or guidance. As you get older, you may find new ways to navigate daily situations. Your housing managers and your support network can help answer questions and run through any tasks that you want to practice.
You’ve reached the end of the action steps for this support level and age group.
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