Some Support • Ages 10-14 • Goal:
Be Active in Your Community
Action step 1.
Explore interests through community programs.
Being active in the community helps you build skills you need when you start to work. Participating in community programs can help you meet people and make friends and other social connections. Exploring your likes, dislikes and interests through community activities can help you think about what kind of job you may want in the future.
Words to know
Action step 2.
Plan for supports before, during and after activities.
Trying new things can be overwhelming, even when they’re fun. Planning for what happens before, during and after an activity can make it easier to participate. Supports that work now may work for you later in the workplace. For example:
- Packing a bag the night before
- Taking a quiet activity that you can have for downtime during the day
- Having a healthy snack ready for when you get home
Words to know
Action step 3.
Be a responsible participant.
The right supports can help you get the most out of community activities. For example, parents, teachers and other adults can help with things like:
- Filling out paperwork
- Planning transportation
- Keeping track of deadlines
And you can:
- Remember to take supplies.
- Communicate with your coaches, teachers and counselors.
Action step 4.
Build responsibility at home.
Doing chores and helping out at home can help you:
- Learn responsibility. This means being trusted to do a chore or job.
- Build confidence. This means believing that you can do something.
- Develop organization and planning skills that you can transfer to a job setting in the future.
You may need supports to help you manage your chores to get them done right and on time.
Action step 5.
Develop social communication and self-advocacy skills.
Social communication can be the most challenging part of employment for autistic people. Some schools and therapy programs use role play to work on interviewing and social skills. Connecting with the autism community and peer mentors can help you understand your needs and learn about self-advocacy.
Words to know
You’ve reached the end of the action steps for this support level and age group.
- To find services and providers in your area, visit our Resource Guide.
- For direct contact with a member of our Autism Response Team, call 1-888-AUTISM2 (1-888-288-4762) or en Español 1-888-772-9050.
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